Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Personality Test : The Eye

First Choose An Eye To See What It Reveals About You 
An eye is very complex, beautiful and intriguing. The eye symbolizes clarity, focus and purpose. The eye you are drawn to below reveals quite a bit about your personality. Choose the eye you like best to learn more about yourself.

Make your choice now before proceeding to the next step. To find out your true personality, please do not peek on the answer list below.

Are u done? 

Okay let's get started..

Eye 1.
Deep Down You Are Open. You’re the type of person who will welcome almost anyone into your life and heart. You believe that it’s better to take a risk and get hurt than to close yourself off to the world. You don’t show the world your fears or insecurities. You believe that your problems should be dealt with privately. You try to be totally there for everyone, even if you’re hurting inside. Helping others is how you heal.
Eye 2.
Deep down you are Conscientious. You’re the type of person who’s always looking to make a good impression and do the right thing. You believe your actions make a difference in other people’s lives, no matter how large or small they are. You don’t show the world how worried and upset you are. You see a lot of misery and injustice that you keep to yourself. You are devoted to being the best person possible. It’s the least you can do with your time on this planet.
Eye 3.
Deep Down you are tortured. You’re the type of person who has a very tumultuous past that still affects you today. You can’t help but think that life is some sort of sick cosmic joke. You try to find your peace wherever you can. You don’t show the world your darkest thoughts. You have a lot to endure, and your keeping it to yourself. Your outlook can be surprisingly sunny at times. You’re an expert at picking yourself up when you fall.
Eye 4.
Deep Down you are philosophical. You’re the type of person who’s likely to over think everything and anything. You like to get to the deeper meaning of things. You get so lost in your thoughts that it’s sometimes hard to tell up from down. You don’t show the world how unsure you are about everything. You may be figuring things out, but you’re still confident. You see life as a puzzle, and you like playing with the pieces until they fit together. You may not ever figure out the meaning of it all, and you’re okay with that.
Eye 5.
Deep down you are mysterious. You’re the type of person who hasn’t figured yourself out, so good luck to anyone else who plans to try! You are a mash up of many contradictions, and your mood changes daily. Once find yourself, you’ve changed into someone else. You don’t show the world much about yourself. You are a person of few words and confusing actions. You prefer to observe and learn about people before you chime in. You only say things that you are sure of.
Eye 6.
Deep down you are sensitive. You’re the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world. You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can affect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears. You don’t show the world how fragile you are. You instead show people how insightful you can be. You are good at anticipating what’s going to happen in your life. You are often the first one to see what’s coming.
Eye 7.
Deep down you are fiery.
You’re the type of person who’s always energetic or passionate. There’s nothing subtle about you… ever. You tend to love or hate everything. You have a ton of opinions, and you make up your mind quickly. You don’t show the world how anxious you are. You have a lot of energy, and too much of it means you can be quite nervous. Everything is very high stakes for you. You can’t help but build up the drama in your head.
Eye 8.
Deep down you are eccentric.
You’re the type of person who has unusual interests, beliefs, and practices. You’ve always been a bit of a weirdo. You don’t care much for rules or tradition. You do things your way and let the chips fall where they may. You show the world everything about you. You have nothing to hide, and you just laugh off those who judge you. You wish everyone was more like you. There’s a lot of joy in being a non-conformist.

Eye 9.
Deep Down you are Intuitive. You’re the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don’t let on to how much you know. You can tell so much from someone’s facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you’re being lied to. You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you’re being read. You know when you’re being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You usually don’t resort to it though!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Curcol Buat Para Warga Jakarta

Serius. Kali ini gw bener-bener gatel buat nulis apa yang di pikiran gw, khususnya tentang warga DKI yang kerjanya ngritik pemerintah daerah terus. Pertama, soal banjir. Baru hujan sebentar, sebagian Jakarta udah banjir. Terus bermunculan update status/tweet yang kesannya "mulia" banget, menagih janji Gubernur/Wagub (dalam hal ini gw sebut aja Pemda DKI) yang saat kampanye kemaren bilang bakal ngelarin masalah ini. Gw sebagai warga DKI dari lahir, tinggal dan besar di Jakarta Utara (khususnya daerah Tanjung Priok), kerja di Sunter, dan keluarga di Kelapa Gading, udah melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri dan merasakan tindakan nyata yang dilakukan Pemda DKI khususnya di Jakut dalam hal mengatasi banjir. Mulai dari rutin ngerukin sampah di kali-kali dan Danau Sunter, sampai meningkatnya frekuensi pengambilan sampah di tempat penampungan sampah oleh Sudin Kebersihan. Mungkin memang belum maksimal dan masih banyak tindakan lain yang bisa dilakukan. Namun setidaknya ini adalah suatu perubahan. Perubahan dari ignorance Pemda DKI sebelum-sebelumnya yang berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun lamanya, yang nyaris tak terlihat oleh mata. Ayo dong jadi manusia yang cerdas dan peduli dengan cara turut berperan aktif dalam membangun dan memperbaiki kota Jakarta. Mulai dari memiliki budaya buang sampah di tempatnya. Jangan ragu-ragu negor temen atau orang yang buang sampah sembarangan. Kota ini ngga akan berubah selama warganya cuek bebek masa bodo. Gw pernah denger 1 statement di acara TV bahwa mayoritas warga Jakarta merupakan pendatang, yang menjadikan Jakarta hanyalah tempat untuk mencari uang. Tidak ada rasa memiliki, rasa peduli terhadap kota ini. Mau kotanya jorok kek, banjir kek, kotor kek.. "bukan urusan gw, tp urusan Pemda." Well, pola pikir kaya gini yang bikin kita selamanya ketinggalan dari bangsa lain. So, sebelom lo nyalah2in Pemda kerjanya ga bener, ngurus banjir aja ga bisa, please oh please ngaca dulu ke diri sendiri. Sudahkan anda buang sampah di tempatnya? Sudahkan anda mengajarkan keluarga/ teman2/ lingkungan terdekat anda/ bahkan orang asing untuk buang sampah di tempatnya? Jika sudah, seluruh jempol gw buat loe. Tapi apakah orang lain juga sudah melakukan hal yang sama? Ini tugas warga-warga cerdas untuk mulai dan terus mengampanyekan Jakarta yang bersih. Jangan biarin kota kita dibikin kotor sama pendatang-pendatang or tamu-tamu tak bertanggungjawab. Udah bukan jamannya lagi masa bodo, atau beranggapan "ngapain gw buang sampah di tempatnya? toh orang laen juga buangnya sembarangan".. if you still think like that, I pity you dear friends. I do pity you.

Terus soal kemacetan. Ngomongin soal kemacetan di Jakarta bakal menggurita bahasannya. Mulai dari keengganan orang naik transportasi publik karena tidak memadainya kondisi bis/angkot di Jakarta, sampai soal jumlah volume kendaraan yang terus bertambah tanpa ada penambahan ruas jalan/jalan alternatif untuk mengurai kemacetan. Okelah semua itu faktor eksternal, percayakan pada ahlinya.
Yang mau gw bahas disini adalah soal internal. Soal disiplin diri. Sudahkan kita, sebagai pengguna jalan baik pejalan kaki, pemotor, pengemudi mobil, penumpang angkutan umum, sudah mendisiplinkan diri masing-masing? Nyatanya, masih banyak pejalan kaki nyebrang seenaknya, padahal tuh jembatan penyeberangan ada disebelahnya, tapi masih aja nyebrang lewat bawah bikin lalu lintas tersendat. Nyatanya masih banyak pemotor yang suka lawan arah, nerobos lampu merah, dan ngga mau ngalah saat terjadinya stuck di jalan (nyempil terus, jangan kasih jalan). Nyatanya, masih banyak mobil yang make jalur busway dan muter balik di tempat yang ga seharusnya. Selama kita belum mampu menertibkan diri sendiri, usaha pemerintah bagaikan bertepuk sebelah tangan (namanya bukan tepuk tangan, tapi kipas-kipas). 
Awal tahun ini gw trip ke HongKong. Kota yang begitu padat dan sibuk (nyaris mirip Jakarta) hanya bedanya ngga pernah gw liat macet! Ternyata, selain disupport oleh MTR (disana MRT namanya MTR) yang merupakan pilihan sarana transportasi utama disana, super duper jarang gw liat motor berkeliaran di jalan. Semua orang juga tertib banget kalo nyebrang, dan pada tempatnya. Selama disana gw ngebatin terus, ini kapan Jakarta tercinta bisa kaya gini yah?.. hopefully kalo MRT dah kelar dan running well mungkin baru terasa perubahannya.

So kali ini gw menyatakan kecaman keras terhadap mereka-mereka para munafik, yang bisanya cuma mengkritik pemda DKI tanpa dirinya sendiri berkontribusi nyata dalam membangun Jakarta yang lebih baik. Yang kerap berkomentar pedas, tapi bayar pajak aja engga. Yang gemar ngoceh ngeluh, tapi menertibkan diri sendiri aja masih ngga mampu.Yang paling parah adalah, mereka yang bukan warga Jakarta, yang belom ngerasain mudahnya ngurus2 surat dan perubahan birokrasi yang ada, yang belom nyicipin nyamannya Kartu Jakarta Sehat, tapi berlagak seperti "pembela" Jakarta dan tau persis permasalahan kota ini. 

Kesimpulannya, ga usah banyak ngoceh. Jangan NATO No.Action.Talk.Only.
Baru kali ini, selama lebih dari 30 tahun gw lahir dan dibesarkan, ditempa oleh kerasnya ibukota (ciee drama benerr..) gw ngerasain yang namanya pemerintah DKI bener2 kerja. Baru kali ini gw ngerasa ga sia-sia bayar pajak, karena gw mulai menaruh harapan bahwa Pemda yang sekarang diisi oleh orang2 berintegritas, dan bukan maling uang rakyat. 

Perubahan itu dimulai dari diri sendiri.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7 un important things about me

1. My main addiction is MOVIE (in all forms, big screen or TV Series). I adore epic fantasy movie like Lord of The Ring, Game of Throne and many other fantasy (beyond reality) movie. I love film with smart and sarcastic lines (HOUSE MD for sure). I've been collecting more than 500 DVDs in my special storage space, divided them by movie genre.

2. I love TRAVELLING (esp. abroad) so much, which is such an irony comparing with how many times I went to travel abroad. Until today, I only have visited Malaysia(Genting), Thailand (Bangkok & Pattaya), Hongkong, Macau, and China (Shen Zen). There are so many places I want to visit, and I make a list for it, hoping one by one will be check-marked at least one for every year.

3. I love fantasy books/novel, my collection has reached more than 200 titles. I enjoy wandering around in my vivid imagination of magic, super powers, another realm, and those kind of things.

4. I almost never had a dreamless sleep. For me, every sleep is an adventure. Most of my dreams are about something extraordinary combined with wild imagination. Like i have superpowers. Most of the time I'm aware that I'm dreaming. One time. after running from some mean people who tried to catch me, I said to myself "It's my dream, I can do anything i want"- then suddenly I jumped from a very high cliff, . and a few millisecond later I rise with a very big and strong wings suddenly attached to my body! Tell me it's not cool.
I also remember having a dream like this: I was in a middle of a war in a jungle, i got shot in my left shoulder (in real life it felt like someone punched me there). Before I "die", I blink. Suddenly everything around me changed, and I was in the middle of royal wedding in a big palace, wearing red Victorian dress with a mask on my hand. Then when I get bored of this theme, I blink again. And I was in Africa, riding a lion (as big as Aslan from Narnia) with troops of wild animals behind me, ready to attack enemy. That night was so cool. I was having like 8 different scenes in one night. That's why I love sleeping, not because the "resting" part, but for the chance to enter another world of magic.

5. I like music-singing-dancing. But don't get me wrong. I can only play basic piano and basic guitar key. My voice is not special, but at least I don't sing off tune. I love dancing (or you may say just moving around), although I can't dance like pro, but I just like the crazy nerdy free style that I can make for every song I love.

6. I'm having de javu for many times now. And I love it when it happens. I just feel like I have psychic ability (which is not for sure)

7. I love to cook. One of my biggest regret is that I didn't learn to cook from my Mom. She was a very good cook, and I remember every time she wanted me to join in the kitchen, I always found excuses to not to. Now I'm in love with cooking. It's like a therapy for me. Especially when people like it, and they ask for more. When I cook, it feels like my mom is smiling at me from above. And it makes me even happier to cook.